"Magical Maiden" by Cillyart

"Magical Maiden" by Cillyart
"Magical Maiden and A Troubador/Minstrel" by Cillyart/CMB

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

WOW...here is another SNEAK PEEK into my new children's chapter book! CHECK IT OUT...

Excited to share with you another SNEAK PEEK story illustration from my new children's chapter book (TT of MB) that I forgot about! This is the culmination of a lil' treasure hunt in this story...what do you predict that it all means from this illustration? Still working on that glossary and looking at publisher options with the goal to publish in 2014! Stay tuned for more from CILLYart4U!


Friday, January 24, 2014

Another SNEAK PEEK to TT of MB? Yep...I found one to share with you today!!!

I found another SNEAK PEEK story illustration from my new children's chapter book (TT of MB) that I hadn't yet shared with you!  Check it out below...and tell me, what do you think happened to cause the silly smile you see here?  Stay tuned for more updates on TT of MB!!!   :oD

Monday, January 20, 2014

Meet Diane Cantrell, the author to GOOD-BYE, BABY MAX and RILEY'S LOST TOOTH...

Meet Diane Cantrell, a children's book author and more!  

Diane began her career in education teaching Pre-K, Kindergarten, and Transitional First Grade. She presently works as a Licensed Professional Counselor and Life Coach, as well as offers workshops to parents, teachers, and counselors. In her spare time, Diane loves going to movies, eating out and being with her friends. Diane lives in San Antonio, Texas with her husband, Rich, and their two dogs, Sunday and Mr. Lee.

 She has two delightful books out that I want to share with you  today!  See them below, enjoy reading a bit about them and check them out further at amazon.com or at your favorite bookstore!


Mrs. B's class excitedly awaits the birth of three baby chicks. When Max is unable to crack open his shell, the children's loving teacher assists them in expressing their feelings of loss and planning a special good-bye.  



  Oh no! One of Sunday's very favorite humans, Riley, has lost her tooth! But where did it go? How did she lose it? Why does no one besides Sunday seem to care?  It isn t long before the tooth fairy steps in and tries to teach the pups all about growing up.  Join Sunday and her two puppy-pals, Precious and Mr. Lee, as they try to hunt down . . . Riley s lost tooth!http://www.amazon.com/Rileys-Lost-Tooth-Diane-Cantrell/dp/1933651628/ref=pd_sim_sbs_b_1 


Wednesday, January 15, 2014

A last SNEAK PEEK into my new book...at least for now!

 A last SNEAK PEEK into my new book pending publication...at least for awhile! What do you think has alarmed these girls? Another important component into the adventurous mystery of this fun, magical story, the TT of MB! Stay tuned!!!  :o)

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Another SNEAK PEEK into My Newest Book via My Fun Story Illustrations...CHECK IT OUT!

As I try to make my decision of where to publish my third chapter book for young readers (TT of MB) over the next few weeks, enjoy another sneak peak into the book with this story illustration:

Monday, January 6, 2014

Back to Work...and sharing another story illustration from my new children's chapter book!

Back to work today...tackled the bookkeeping and bill-paying and sharing another story illustration from my new children's chapter book for you to enjoy and ponder!  What plans could these girls be conjuring up just before bedtime?  May all your adventures in 2014 be happy ones!